
The project “”Institutional, Business and Educational integration in the area of Advanced Technologies and Mechatronics” („ATM Integration”), 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-29, officially started on 22 January 2013. The project is co-funded by EU through the Bulgaria-Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme.

Project partners are the Cluster Mechatronics and Automation (CMA) in Sofia, GIS-Transfer Centre Foundation (GIS-TC) also in Sofia, Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies (NICAT) in Nis and Faculty of Economics – University of Nis (FEUN), which is the lead partner of the project .

The project objectives are to encourage the cross-border cooperation in the field of advanced technology and mechatronics (ATM) to support the implementation of activities for developing of existing capacity and to contribute to improving the competitiveness of stakeholders for joint participation in the EU market.

The project activities “ATM Integration” aimed at improving the capacity of stakeholders through cross-border cooperation, R & D, industrial projects and other forms of joint business cooperation and development of web-platform and engaging the Expert council to continue to provide information about market opportunities for regional cross-border cooperation.

The project will be implemented for the period from January 22, 2013 to January 21, 2014.

For all activities which are implemented by the project will be informed the numerous business partners and associates, the local authorities, the representatives of the scientific and educational institutions, the representatives of institutions to support the business in both countries of the cross-border cooperation.

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